
Ghost II Immobiliser

The Ghost II Immobiliser is the ultimate car security device for any vehicle because of its complex security features. It requires a pin code of between 4 and 21 button presses of any buttons on the steering wheel or console, making it almost impossible to crack the sequence. This provides an untraceable security device, as it is small and hidden within the car's wiring. It also doesn’t emit any radio-frequency signals, making it virtually undetectable.
The Ghost II Immobiliser also uses the vehicle's CAN Data Network, making it increasingly favoured by insurance companies for keyless entry vehicles. Having the Ghost II immobiliser installed can reduce monthly premiums, and it also ensures that the vehicle will not move without the pin code configuration being entered in the correct sequence. It's easy to see why our customers trust Ultimate Vehicle Security for their Ghost II immobiliser needs and why it should be their first choice for vehicle security. Explore our vehicle security solutions today and find out why.

Autowatch Ghost II

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